Coronavirus can spread via contaminated surfaces, people are taking the extra step of wearing medical gloves for protection. In short, medical gloves are not reusable, people should use once and...
Use of face mask is one of many strategies used to slow or prevent transmission of the flu virus in the event of a pandemic. Many different kinds of face...
The novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 spreads easily. When someone coughs, sneezes or talks, respiratory droplets are released into the air. If these droplets contain the virus and make their...
1. Collect information about what is available and what is not Your workplace should have enough personal protective equipment (PPE), but, as the CDC reports, “Major distributors in the United...
Face masks have become a fact of life for most Americans. As stay-at-home orders are lifted, wearing masks continues to be an important part of protecting against the further spread...
Face masks can also offer the wearer some protection though how much varies greatly, depending on the type of mask. No mask will offer full protection. And they can not...
As you walk around the grocery store or head to the pharmacy, you may see some people wearing gloves as protection against COVID-19 too. But infectious disease experts warn that...
During COVID-19, U.S. airlines are tightening their requirements for who must wear a face mask in the airport and on board planes. Despite continued lobbying from flight attendant and pilot...
Washing hands with soap and clean water for at least 20 seconds is the best way for children to get rid of germs, including COVID-19. If soap and water are...