Face masks: How clean a cloth mask?

Face masks have become a fact of life for most Americans. As stay-at-home orders are lifted, wearing masks continues to be an important part of protecting against the further spread of covid-19. And part of wearing a mask is washing a mask. 

Can clean face masks at home?

Disposable masks made from non-woven fibers, KN95, and N95 masks cannot be safely cleaned at home. Exposure to excessive amounts of water and cleaning products will destroy the fibers and can damage the carbon filtration systems of N95 respirators.

If you have a N95 mask, you can use it five times by the same person, according to the CDC. There are exceptions if people use the mask in certain medical procedures, damaged, or heavily soiled. Fabric face masks, on the other hand, can and should be washed at home. They can be reused until they’re torn or no longer fit the face of the wearer.

How to machine wash face masks

The best way to wash a fabric mask is also the easiest. Face masks can be laundered in the washing machine. First, we set the water temperature on your washer to hot and the cycle to normal. However, we can not wash colored masks with white masks or clothes unless you are certain that the fabric is colorfast. We also need to use a heavy-duty stain-removing detergent, like Tide, Gain or any other common detergent. They contain enough enzymes to break down soil and sweat on the interior surface of the mask.

Cloth masks can dry on the highest heat cycle in an automatic dryer. If you do not have a dryer, place the masks on a drying rack in direct sunlight. When face masks are dry, store them in a covered container or bag until you’re ready to wear them.

How to wash masks by hand

If hand-sewn masks are especially delicate, or have washable filters inside, they should be washed by hand. We can wash them in warm or hot water and scrub. Submerging the mask in the solution and agitating it for 30 to 60 seconds to lift dirt and body soils. Then, allow it to soak for 20 minutes. Then, rinse thoroughly and allow to dry. When hand-washing masks, be careful not to overuse detergent, and to rinse very well, so there’s no detergent residue that could cause skin irritation. And remember, treat face masks like an infected surface after using it. Be sure to wash your hands after handling it every single time.

Stain removal

If a cloth face mask has become stained during wear, handling or storage, it can be treated with the same laundry stain pretreatment products used for clothing and other textiles. Not all stain treatment products work equally well on all stains, so if you frequently need to remove a specific stain type, it’s worth investing in the best product for the job. These common stains are best treated using the following products.

There may be a possibility that someone is symptomatic, or has sneezed or coughed within close proximity, clean your face mask after each use. Keep in mind, though, that you shouldn’t use face masks frequently. Since public health officials urge everyone to only go to grocery stores, pharmacies, and convenience stores when they are in need of essential items. 

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