PPE: Most important factors when selecting

There are seven essential factors to consider when figuring out which PPE is the right fit for your work environment.


One of the first things you need to consider when selecting the right PPE is the climate that people will be working in. If you buy PPE that is too heavy for a hot environment, your workers can get fatigued, and accidents are more likely to occur. Conversely, if you buy protective suit that is too light for a cold climate, workers can become uncomfortable, and this impairs coordination and can lead to injuries and decreased production throughput. 

Threat Level

Another factor to consider is the threat level of the job being done by the person who will be wearing the PPE. You have to ask yourself as a supervisor: how dangerous is the production process this person will be in? After assessing the threat level, you can choose your equipment correctly. Simply put: the higher the threat level, the higher the cut protection level should be.

Balancing Comfort & Safety

A significant point of contention when it comes to PPE is how to balance comfort and safety with wearable equipment. When people are working, they like to be comfortable. If everyone working is uncomfortable and the chance for careless accidents increases exponentially. To avoid this, finding a balance which begins with assessing the threat level and selecting the best equipment to cover the worker doing it. 

Presence of Vehicles

In the workplace, a lack of spatial awareness from employees can lead to accidents. Injuries caused by forklifts, trucks, and other vehicles are all common in factories and warehouses. They need PPE with material which reflects light back at headlights and ensures people are visible at all times and can help save lives and injuries.

Sizing & Proper Fit

Take the time to find out what size clothing your workers wear. Their PPE doesn’t have to be perfectly form-fitting, but it shouldn’t be baggy. Also, take into consideration the length of a worker’s neck, especially when glass and other sharp objects are involved. Collars should cover a person’s neck entirely in these fields. That coverage can save lives.


What industry you serve has an effect on the PPE you should choose as well. For instance, some protective suits have wire in the yarn, which can potentially be fatal if workers are exposed to electricity or work in an environment where there is an electrical threat. If your industry has special requirements that must be met, chances are that PPE exists to meet them. It is crucial that you take the time to assess the possible dangers that your industry presents and find the right PPE to protect workers.

Cost of PPE

Cost is a big consideration for choosing PPE, especially the larger a company gets. Outfitting employees with PPE is an expensive endeavor and not a decision that should be made lightly. However, safety is a long-term investment, and a higher initial cost will always pay off down the line.

Final Thoughts

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right piece of PPE for your workplace. Climate, threat level, vehicles, comfort, sizing, and industry often influence that decision. As always, the cost is important to consider as well. However, instead of asking how much the PPE will cost, consider what choosing the wrong PPE will cost you.

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