Hand sanitizer: Is it safe to leave in hot car?

Hand sanitizer has become one of life’s essentials. Most of us carry travel-sized bottles of it in our purses and our cars. So we can stay clean when we don’t have soap and water. But is it safe to leave that small bottle in your car on a hot day? And if so, for how long?

In a recent viral social media post, a fire department in Wisconsin warned about the dangers of keeping hand sanitizer in a car during a hot day. The post included a photo in Brazil, of a burned car door as a result of keeping that bottle near an open flame. However, it goes on to clarify that the burnt car door in the photo wasn’t caused by exploding hand sanitizer. It includes more info about sunlight passing through clear bottles.

Put hand sanitizer in shaded area

According to the National Fire Protection Association, hand sanitizer would indeed have to reach up to 700 degrees Fahrenheit for it to catch fire. This research is without the presence of a flame or spark. There are concerns that heat and direct sunlight can degrade some of the ingredients in the hand sanitizer. It also really depends on the content of the bottle. If you’re using it fairly regularly and keeping it in a shaded area of the car, it gonna be more safer.

Besides, there are things you can do to maintain your hand sanitizer‘s effectiveness. Scientists recommends storing it at a temperature of 45 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. In general, it is best to store it in a cool, dry environment away from direct sunlight. If left in the car, it is best to leave it in the door or in the console of a car. Or you put it in any place sunlight will not directly hit.

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