Antibacterial 4 ply masks help us slow the pandemic

Antibacterial 4 ply masks seem logical as preventive measures because the disease is spread by respiratory droplets from coughs or sneezes. If you were sick and had to leave home, ideally you would wear an antibacterial 4 ply mask or other face coverings. The World Health Organization has published recommendations for when civilians should use face masks. But stockpiling also deprives other people who might have needed to follow those guidelines.

Antibacterial 4 ply masks do provide a degree of protection against fluids, including spray from a cough or sneeze, and they provide some filtration of the air. However, since the masks do not provide a tight seal around the wearer’s nose and mouth, much of the air inhaled and exhaled is unfiltered. Therefore, how well the masks work largely depends on if you’re is wearing it correctly. Make sure the correct side is facing outward, keep the mask snug over your nose. You need to secure the loops behind your ears, and close off the gaps around your jawline. Most people make mistakes when the antibacterial 4 ply masks cover their mouth but not their nose.

There are other steps you can take to keep yourself healthy. For one, keep a distance from sick people, especially those coughing or sneezing. Also, not touching your face with your hands minimizes your exposure to harmful germs. Lastly, hand-washing is your best line of defense against any virus, so wash frequently and thoroughly. That means spending at least 20 seconds scrubbing your hands with soap and rinsing water.

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