What kind of Ecom Med Mask should you buy?

The series of Ecom Net medical mask Ecom Net is a manufacturer of personal protective equipment (PPE) in particular and medical masks as well as dust masks in general to meet the diverse demand of domestic and foreign markets.

Ecom Med masks is a popular brand of Ecom Net Let’s find out what kind of Ecom Med Mask should you buy?

Ecom Med anti-bacterial Safe Mask with 3 or 4 layers. Ecom Med Safe Mask with 3 layers is thin, light and suitable for using in the summer. Ecom Med Safe Mask with 4 layers looks sturdier. Basically, the antibacterial index of two types is equal. Ecom Med anti-bacterial Safe Mask with two versions of 50 pieces per box and 10 pieces per convenient bag is popular in the domestic market.

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ECOM MED KID’S MASK 3-layers antibacterial medical mask with BFE index reaching 99.9% is specially designed for children. Ecom Med Kid’s Mask is thin and light. It brings a comfortable feeling to children. With the compact design, face tight fit and optimal protection, it helps avoid the invasion of fine dust, pathogens, bacteria, viruses into the respiratory tract. Children are attracted by playful design and beautiful form.

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ECOM MED CARE PLUS 3-layers antibacterial medical mask with BFE index reaching 99.9% is favored by international markets such as Europe and South Korea because of its thinness, lightness and comfort. This is Ecom Med’s 3-layers product for exporting.

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ECOM MED ULTRA PROTECT 4-layers antibacterial medical mask with BFE antibacterial filter reaching 99.9% is favored by the domestic and foreign market. This product is trusted by domestic and foreign hospitals such as the ones in USA, Japan or Australia

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ECOM MED 4-layers antibacterial medical mask with activated carbon is supplemented with a layer of activated carbon that detoxifies, filters fine dust and filters bacteria effectively. It is especially effective when your working environment is constantly exposed with dust, pollution… Products are individually packed in a bag and there are 30 pieces per box.

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ECOM MED NANO SILVER 4-layers antibacterial medical mask is supplemented with Nano Silver layer that effectively kills bacteria, filtering 99% fine dust, germs, viruses. It is especially effective when working environment is constantly exposed with pathogens, bacteria. In addition, it is suitable for being used in hospital environments, operating rooms, and laboratories.

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If you simply need a normal dust mask, Ecom Net will offer you Ecom Med Daily Mask with 4 layers of non-woven fabric with the aim of filtering dust.

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Through the above analysis, if you are an office worker or do not work in the specific environments, it is suitbale for you to use Ecom Med Safe Mask with 3 or 4 layers. If you are working in the hospitals, operating rooms or laboratories, ECOM MED NANO SILVER 4-layers antibacterial medical mask will work optimally. Finally, if you are working in the dusty factories, pouulted mines or construction sites, ECOM MED 4-layers antibacterial medical mask with activated carbon will be the most effective choice.

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With the above sharing, we really hope that you can choose a suitable and quality Ecom Med mask to protect your whole family.

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