Disposable masks develop for the protection of healthcare workers (HCWs) and citizens following the 2009 influenza pandemic, and emerging infectious diseases such as Covid-19.
Vietnamese use face masks during Coronavirus
In a survey from February 2020, about the impact of coronavirus on the behavior of Vietnamese, 88 percent of respondents used disposable face masks. The same survey indicated that 89 percent of respondents always or often wore face masks while staying outside. Vietnam may scale up production and export of disposable masks and other forms of personal protective equipment (PPE) during Coronavirus. Many disposable masks contacts in Vietnam such as ECOMNET, is exporting PPE to developed states like Europe and USA.
Vietnam exports disposable masks
As we know, the use of medical face masks is more prevalent in Asian countries, such as China and Vietnam. Vietnamese people wear masks because of the high risk perception. On March 16, 2020, the Vietnamese government requested that everyone should wear face masks in public places to protect themselves and others. World Health Organization recommended that only positively confirmed patients should wear masks to mitigate COVID-19 transmission. However, several Asian countries mask adoption seems to correlate with slowing down the pace of pandemic. China, South Korea and Vietnam are all good examples. According to the Vietnam Trade Office, many medical protective clothing producers contacted the trade office for exports of disposable masks.
In many parts of the world, disposable masks may be the only options available for healthcare workers. Cloth masks are used in resource-poor settings because of the reduced cost of a reusable option. Today, in the interests of global public health, people often use disposable masks all over the world. They realize that masks can provide protection against droplet spread, splash and spray of blood and body fluids. Different organizations recommended that disposable masks or respirators could prevent transmission of Coronavirus.
Vietnamese companies are manufacturing more non-woven and antimicrobial fabrics to reduce reliance on imported materials. They also help the country become a major global supplier of cloth and disposable masks amid the Coronavirus pandemic. Many disposable masks contacts in Vietnam have been receiving constant orders from the U.S and Europe due to the spread of the Coronavirus. As we know, Vietnam enable to reopen society and economy ahead of most peers. Although this crisis is a complex global challenge, the timely actions conducted by the Vietnamese authorities are appreciated based on behavioral economics and using of masks.