Face Shields Compare to Surgical Face Masks?

Wearing a face mask has officially become the new normal in the United States. People are encouraged, and sometimes even required, to wear them when they’re around others in public to help prevent the spread of COVID – 19. And now, another face covering is gaining some attentions: face shields. So how face shields compare to surgical face masks?

Face Shields

Face shields are actually made of a clear plastic sheet which covers your whole face instead of just the mouth. Researchers notice that face shields are more effective than face masks because people are much less likely to touch their face when wearing a face shield. We can easily taken off and clean a face shield. With summer, people also find a face shield attached to a headband or cap cooler to wear than a cloth mask or surgical face mask. In many ways, they’re a much more attractive option when face shields compare to face masks. 

Surgical Face Masks

Surgical face mask can provide a barrier to splashes and droplets impacting on the wearer’s nose, mouth and respiratory tract. These single-use masks are used for a variety of procedures in community as well as hospital settings. We should change them when they become moistened or damaged.  By now, we should be wearing surgical face masks to protect others from deadly infection when we leave the house. But face masks can be hot, and they can irritate the skin, fog glasses. It may difficult for some to breathe. It also can be difficult for people who have hearing loss to communicate when mouths are covered, and hiding facial expressions.


Whatever you decide to wear to prevent infection when you’re out, remember that staying safe from COVID-19 means putting in place multiple safeguards. And the most important safety measure is social distancing. Ultimately, it is important to understand that both face-coverings are important tools to prevent the transmission of coronavirus. And their usage depends on the public setting you are in. For example, if you are a medical professional in in a healthcare setting, wearing a face shield may suit you better. On the other hand, surgical face masks may be a good alternative when you go grocery shopping, etc.

However, the bottom line is nothing can replace hand washing and maintaining social distance. So, even when you are wearing face shields and surgical face masks, you should still try to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet to stay safe.

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